I recently run into a problem that I would like to convert a video clip to a gif file cause I did the screen recording from my laptop, but the file size is too large (> 100MB) to upload to my blog. So, a reasonable solution is probably to shrink the size either by trimming the video or translating the video file to another format; for example, a possible format to upload is a gif file.
Here I would show you how to do it. It’s pretty simple. Thanks, @Alex Dergachev’s gist.
Steps 1 - to capture the screen recording
press Shift-Command (⌘)-5 on your keyboard to see all the controls you need to record video and capture still images of your screen.
You can choose to record the entire screen or selected portion.
Record the entire screen
Record a selected portion of the screen
Step 2 - Installation for necessary packages
- brew install FFmpeg
- Go to https://www.xquartz.org/, download, and install.
- brew install gifsicle
Step 3 - Command
1 | ffmpeg -i in_file_path.mov -s 640x480 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=3 > out_file_path.gif |
And now, here it goes.
After that, you can find the Gif file and start using it.Enjoy.